EconBiz in French - EconBiz en Français

Voilà: EconBiz is available in French! We translated the most important functionalities like the search and the calendar of events.

A help site for the use of EconBiz will follow shortly. However – also in the long run we won’t translate all EconBiz contents to French. You will always meet English language contents in the French version as well.

Apropos: In EconBiz you find about 140.000 French publications on economics and business topics. Search for them in the advanced search by selecting the language and leave the search field blank. Or you start a simple search an use the filter: „language: French“ on the left hand of the result list.

Thank you to our partners in Canada, the <link en about econbiz-partner-network partner-countries canada internal-link internal link in current>CIRANO - Centre interuniversitaire de recherche en analyse des organisations for their support!

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