Nobel laureates on EconBiz Author Profiles

It's Nobel prize season again! Every year in October, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences awards the most important prize for researchers in economic sciences. This year's laureate(s) will be announced at 11:45 (CET) today - we are curious to see who wins! If you want to kill some time until the announcement, you are welcome to check out our Nobel Prize topic page in the EconBiz Author Profiles.

The word cloud "Terms" shows the main research topics of all former (and soon: current) Nobel laureates in economics. Below the word cloud you can find a list of all publications written by Nobel laureates in EconBiz. Click on a research topic in the word cloud to display publications on this particular topic, or click on a publication in the list to jump directly to the respective title in EconBiz.

By clicking on "Co-authors" you can switch to the word cloud of co-authors of Nobel laureates. Click on a co-author to open the corresponding profile in EconBiz Author Profiles and display a list of the author's publications.

EconBiz Author Profiles is one of our beta services that allows you to view connected information about authors, publications and research topics in economics. Have you tried the EconBiz Author Profiles? Then let us know what you think by sending an email to or by responding to our survey.

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