
WU Vienna - Vienna University of Economics and Business

WU Vienna is one of Europe's biggest, most modern Universities of Economic Sciences. Its high quality standards in research and education are approved by international quality seals.

WU is a public university committed to excellence in research and research-led teaching. Faculty and students work together in order to promote education and the autonomy of the individual through academic study, as part of a modern and open knowledge society.

WU makes contributions to future-oriented thinking, responsibility in business and economics, and the development of solutions to economic, social, and ecological problems. It is striving for the highest possible level of internationalization in all areas and is committed to diversity, equal opportunities, and especially the promotion of women.

Academic freedom is one of the key principles of WU Vienna, and it strives for a wide variety of topics and approaches in research and teaching. Activities are guided by academic integrity, fairness, equal opportunities, diversity, and open-mindedness.


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