
Vesalius College

Vesalius College was founded in 1987 by the Vrije Universiteit Brussel and Boston University to offer undergraduate education in English. As an American-style college, Vesalius takes a humanistic approach to intellectual inquiry, encouraging students to not only learn skills and knowledge important to their chosen careers, but to think critically and develop themselves personally and as citizens of an increasingly multicultural and globalised world.

Situated in Brussels and home to a thriving international community, Vesalius College offers students a truly unique educational experience.

Vlerick Business School

Vlerick Business School is an academic business school, engaged in both fundamental academic research and research for business and society.

Vlerick is part of a select group of business schools who are accredited by all three major international quality assessment bodies: EQUIS, AMBA and AACSB. This triple accreditation highlights Vlerick’s commitment to setting the very highest standards in both management education and research.

In 2019, Vlerick became an institutional partner of the Responsible Research in Business & Management (RRBM) network. As signatories of the RRBM vision paper, Vlerick endorses the principle that academic research should play a role in developing knowledge that benefits businesses and wider society – with the ultimate goal of creating a better world. Vlerick is one of the few business schools in the world to be recognised as a “RRBM Pioneering Institution”.


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