
Corvinus University of Budapest

Corvinus University of Budapest is a leading university in Hungary, operating on two campuses with six faculties: Business Administration, Economics, Social Sciences, Food Science, Horticultural Science and Landscape Architecture. The University offers undergraduate, graduate and doctoral programmes. Corvinus University of Budapest is a member of CEMS (Community of European Management Schools) and it was also accepted to the PIM (Program in International Management) which is an exclusive worldwide organization of business schools.

Central Library

The Central Library of Corvinus University of Budapest is an academic library aiming to provide excellent resources and services to support the learning, teaching and research activities at the University. The library serves the teaching staff and approximately 10 000 undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students of the faculties of Economics, Business Administration and Social Sciences. The library moved to its current location in a new campus building in 2007 and provides 630 study places altogether. There are four reading rooms, two computer labs, a newspaper reading room and an Economic History Research Library.

Institutional repositories

Corvinus Research Archive, the institutional repository of Corvinus University is coordinated by the library. In addition the library maintains two other electronic repositories to make research and learning output accessible, that is Ph. D. Dissertartions and the Archive of the Institute of Business Economics. The library is member of Nereus, LIBER, EBSLG (European Business Schools’ Librarians Group) and COAR (Confederation of Open Access Repositories).


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