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The 2010 Report continues the tradition of pushing the frontiers of development thinking. For the first time since 1990, the Report looks back rigorously at the past several decades and identifies often surprising trends and patterns with important lessons for the future. These varied pathways...
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The aim of this paper is to measure the returns to migration using non-experimental data taking both observed and unobserved characteristics into account. A significant challenge related to migration research and the issues of unobserved heterogeneity is that the standard 2stage least squares...
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. It discusses the various channels through which migration affects the education and wellbeing of non-migrant children in …. To conclude, the paper recognizes the policy challenges surrounding the migration-education linkage and considers some of …
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Eradicating poverty everywhere is more than a moral imperative - it is a practical possibility. That is the most important message of the Human Development Report 1997. The world has the resources and the know-how to create a poverty-free world in less than a generation. The Report focuses not...
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Cette etude examine la mesure dans laquelle les caracteristiques des eleves, les ressources et pratiques d?enseignement des ecoles, l?influence des pairs et les effets fixes par province expliquent les differences entre les resultats scolaires des eleves des ecoles secondaires privees et ceux...
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Le nombre d'apprentis inscrits au Canada a plus que double entre 1995 et 2007, mais le taux de reussite des programmes d'apprentissage n'a augmente que du tiers. La determination des facteurs lies aux faibles taux d'achevement represente une premiere etape necessaire pour s'assurer que la main...
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least a high school education prior to beginning an apprenticeship. Males and females have similar completion probabilities …
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L'incidence a long terme sur le revenu de la frequentation d'un etablissement d'enseignement postsecondaire apres la perte d'un emploi est estimee a partir d'une importante base de donnees administratives longitudinales sur les travailleurs canadiens et a l'aide d'un modele de la difference des...
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In this study, the long-term impact on earnings of attending post-secondary education institutions following job loss … loss, workers who attended post-secondary education shortly after displacement saw their earnings increase by almost $7 …, with the exception of men aged 35 to 44 years. Despite the benefits of education, job displacement is found to be …
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Le present article evalue a partir des donnees du Recensement de 2006 les resultats scolaires (tel que la probabilite de decrochage scolaire au secondaire) d'une cohorte d'immigrants arrives au Canada alors qu'ils etaient encore enfants. L'etude documente le fait que la vraisemblance que les...
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