Showing 1 - 10 of 101
Unternehmer koennen eine aktive Rolle in ihren eigenen Unternehmen spielen: Sie sind dann gleichzeitig Eigentuemer, Fuehrungskraft und stehen in der operativen Verantwortung. Fuer das UEberleben der Unternehmen sind Innovationen essentiell: Ohne Innovation entsteht kein Produkt. Wie sich...
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We explore whether the introduction of trust based working hours is related to the subsequent innovation performance of firms. Employing a panel data set of over 5,000 German establishments, we implement a propensity score matching approach where we only consider firms that did not use trust...
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Im Zuge der Globalisierung und Beschleunigung des Wettbewerbs wird die schnelle und kostenguenstige Entwicklung von Produkten bis zur Marktreife zunehmend zu einem zentralen Wettbewerbsfaktor. Dies gilt im besonderen Masse fuer die pharmazeutische Industrie, in der die Ausgaben fuer Forschung &...
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A turnaround in the way we convert and consume energy is the key to successful climate change mitigation. Taking a micro-economic perspective, in order to put the necessary changes into practice corporations in the energy sector need not only have a long-term vision of the developments necessary...
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The formation of new firms is an important determinant of economic development and the industrial organization literature highlights agglomeration as one of the main factors affecting the formation and scale of operations of new firms. This paper is one of the first to use developing country...
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This paper investigates whether government support can act to increase exporting activity. We use a uniquely rich data set on Irish manufacturing plants and employ an empirical strategy that combines a non-parametric matching procedure with a difference-in-differences estimator in order to deal...
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The literature on food security has mainly been focused on causes, effects, and/or the nature of the crisis. However, there have been only a few attempts to understand how the discourse on the subject matter was shaped and is still being shaped at present. Food security is at the intersection of...
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In relativ kurzer Zeit haben Open Source-Projekte als selbst organisierte, informale (Arbeits-)Netzwerke freiwillig Arbeitender, die durch eine rechtlich spezifische Lizenz ein „oeffentliches Gut“ erstellen, neben kommerzieller Software eine hohe Bedeutung erlangt. In dieser Arbeit wird die...
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If a product has two dimensions of quality, one observable and one not, a firm can use observable quality as a signal of unobservable quality. The correlation between consumers' valuation of high quality in each dimension is a key determinant of the feasibility of such signaling. A firm may use...
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