Showing 51 - 59 of 59
The selection and evaluation of consultants, consultancies, and consulting services belong to probably the most critical issues in management consulting research. However, the research in these areas is still sparse and does not yet reflect their importance in an adequate manner. Additionally,...
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Based on insights from recent career research, the present study analyses the correlation between individual characteristics of university and polytechnics graduates and early career outcomes, and delineates the impact of higher education, as a key element within social structure. Departing from...
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Recently the transfer of the “solution-focused approach” developed by Steve de Shazer and Insoo Kim Berg into the field of management can be seen in many applications in HR-Management, leadership, team-management, marketing and sales and so on. But there are only few studies which...
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Leuphana University of Lueneburg, Germany, and the University of Minnesota, USA, hosted the international symposium on “Personality at Work” in Lueneburg. The symposium focussed on the role of personality traits in everyday work settings. Invited experts from academia and industry from...
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This book deals with a dialogic organizational development process carried out with managers and employees in the Research & Development Department of Bang & Olufsen, Denmark. This action research project did not start with ready-made concepts to be implemented. They were developed during the...
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Bei den meisten Betriebswirten - von Personalverantwortlichen wird dies ohnehin nicht angezweifelt - gehoert es inzwischen zu einer "Binsenweisheit", dass sich innerhalb des Personals das mit Blick auf den Wettbewerb zwischen den Unternehmen noch am meisten imitationsgeschuetze Erfolgspotenzial...
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2001 wurde mit dem Teilzeit- und Befristungsgesetz der Teilzeitanspruch eingefuehrt. Die Bundesregierung erhoffte sich enorme beschaeftigungswirksame Effekte, da der Rechtsanspruch die Arbeitszeitwuensche vieler Beschaeftigter traf. Auf Arbeitgeberseite stiess das Gesetz hingegen auf harte...
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Compared to local and global Asian competitors, Western Multinational Companies struggle to offer successful innovations in emerging markets. This research aims to define, understand and explain the specific knowledge transfer mechanisms at the local level compared to Western Countries and how...
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Teams kommen in modernen Unternehmen auf allen Ebenen und in saemtlichen Bereichen zum Einsatz. Entsprechend wichtig ist die Analyse teambezogener Lernprozesse. Durch sie laesst sich eine Konkretisierung des oft recht vage bleibenden Konzepts der lernenden Organisation erreichen. In der...
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