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The study shows that the exceptional drop in volume of Finland's GDP in 2009 - as much as 8 per cent -was to a large extent due to huge decline in exports and production of one industry, ICT. The contribution of ICT (or electronics and electro-technical industry) to GDP decline was close to two...
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Tässä raportissa tarkastellaan aineettomien investointien eriä Tilastokeskuksen mikroaineistoilla. Jo yritystasolla aineettomat investoinnit ovat suurempia kuin aineelliset ja niiden huomioiminen muuttaa käsityksiämme monista perussuureista: esimerkiksi yrityssektorin arvonlisäyksen taso...
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Structural Business Statistics ja Labour Costs Survey sekä EU KLEMS -hankkeen aineistot. Käyttämämme aineistokokoonpano tarjoaa … Survey databases as well as the data available from the EU KLEMS project. This combination of data allows for a comparison of …
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Several regional technology and innovation strategy documents have been written covering every region within Finland in recent years. However, the approaches, methods and semantics used in those documents vary considerably. This variation has made it difficult to compare them with each other....
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The turnover of the companies in North Savo in 2011 was nearly 10 billion euros, of which industry accounted for just under a third. The industrial structure of the region is not strong, but on the other hand it is not alarmingly thin either, because it does have certain successful niches. North...
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Helsingin seudun ja Uudenmaan tuotannon ja työllisyyden kasvu on ollut nopeampaa kuin koko Suomen. Samaan aikaan erikoistuminen on vähentynyt. Tuotantorakenne muistuttaa nyt huomattavasti enemmän koko Suomen tuotantorakennetta kuin aiempina vuosikymmeninä. Silti erikoistuminen liike-elämän...
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This study analyses those country characteristics, which lead those regions to become as productive operation and innovation environments for firms and research centres. This study shows that those countries who invest wisely to develop their innovation environment will be successful in high...
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We analyse foreign-owned companies operating in Finland and compare them with domestic non-multinational firms while controlling separately for domestic multinational firms. The statistical and micro-econometric analysis is done using Statistics Finland data that contain all firms with at least...
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In this paper, we study the value chain of a Finnish designed bicycle and how the value added of the product is spread through the value chain in three distinct cases. In the first case the bicycle is manufactured in Finland by the researched company. In the two other cases the manufacturing of...
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This report reviews some of the most recent literature examining the home country employment effects of internationalisation. A brief overview of the history of the internationalisation of Finnish firms is also presented. The general conclusion from the literature is that the absolute employment...
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