Showing 1 - 10 of 84
The majority of published research to date focuses on HRM in large organisation.
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Industrial enterprises have to face to more and greater national and international competition and this generates a continuous pressure over them. This desideratum has to be approached with some sufficient distinct means from which the automation is only one moreover possibility. So in this...
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Ne aflam intr-o era informationala, in care luarea deciziilor se bazeaza pe numarul si acuratetea informatiilor detinute, astfel ca lipsa acestora sau obtinerea unor informatii incorecte poate duce la implementarea unor decizii strategice eronate cu repercusiuni majore asupra activitatii...
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This paper represents the results of a pilot survey conducted on a set of it specialists concerning their behavior on …
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/mall-intercept, the survey at the respondent’ home or the telephone surveys. The paper analyzes the sources of errors related to the … survey. …
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In mod traditional, standardele internationale din domeniul calitatii, nu favorizau implementarea sistemelor de management al calitatii in intreprinderile de dimensiuni reduse, date fiind dificultatile cu care se confruntau aceste organizatii in realizarea unui numar ridicat de documente, precum...
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