Showing 41 - 50 of 82
According to the agricultural patterns existing in the EU, the objectives of the Romanian baking industry should ensure the alimentary safety, introduce the European competitive technologies and manufacturing process, harmonize the Romanian law with the communitary acquis and implement it, match...
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A strategic goal of the Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest is represented by the continuous improving of the quality for the didactic and scientific research activities. To this purpose a special importance should be given to the process approach of the activities by integrating the...
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The consumers’ protection could be realized both in a direct way, explicitly, through the juridical and parajuridical actions that consumers can use against the economic agents offering unsuitable merchandises or promoting illicit commercial practices and in an indirect way, implicitly,...
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The quality of goods and services has always been a societal concern. The importance of quality was extended beyond physical products, to include services and information; and extended its reach into new arenas such as health care, education, or government. Organizations recognized the...
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In the functional market economy, due to the intense competition, the service suppliers are forced to consider, as far as utility and the tariff of the services are concerned, the needs, requests and expectations of the consumers. This fact is imposed with necessity because the consumers are...
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If so far, the production of scale had its established methods, we now are present to diversification of the production and to the decreasing of the series of the manufacturing. It implies the using of such methods which allow to get a high efficiency. In this case, we consider that the Lean...
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Production Operations Management must ensure the quality of functional stability of production considering the input variables, environment disturbances as well as market requests dynamics. That is why operations management takes action over structural components, system input variables,...
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Information technology plays an essential role in the redesign of economical processes. The introduction of IT tools is a main part of the redesign of many business processes. Even though, the incorrect use of these technologies could totally stop the reengineering process, allowing the...
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Serviciile de consultanţă pentru proiectele cu finanţare europeană nerambursabilă prezintă unele particularităţi notabile. Acestea se referă la procesul de selectare a consultanţilor, derularea misiunii de consultanţă şi modalităţile de plată a serviciilor. În lipsa unor...
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This article proposes to bring to the specialists’ attention to the necessity of a redefinition of some concepts and the introduction of new concepts, so that to be ensured a sharp, coherent and interdisciplinary understanding of any organisation as a natural system with complex self...
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