Showing 1 - 10 of 15
The nature of food insecurity has been changing in the world. While research on food insecurity in developing countries used to focus on undernourishment (i.e. lack of calorie consumption) and related outcomes, today, many developing countries face at least a “double burden of malnutrition”...
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Diese Dissertation basiert auf einer auf den Menschen bezogenen, multidimensionalen Betrachtung von Entwicklung. Sie soll empirisch Übereinstimmungen und Determinanten der Gesundheit von Kindern in Ländern mit niedrigem und mittlerem Einkommen analysieren. Der erste Essay – mit verfasst von...
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Politische Entscheidungsträger stehen heute vor der Herausforderung, dem Klimawandel zu begegnen, ohne das Entwicklungspotential von Entwicklungsländern einzuschränken. In diesem Zusammenhang trägt diese Arbeit zur Beantwortung der Frage bei, ob Entwicklung ohne höheren CO2-Ausstoß...
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Ökonomisches Wachstum bringt für die Gesellschaft eines Landes Wandel auf unterschiedlichen Ebenen mit sich. In dieser Dissertation werden in drei Aufsätzen die Folgen des globalen Ernährungswandels und regionale Vereinbarungen gegen den Klimawandel näher untersucht. Der globale...
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The thesis consists of four essays in the broad spectrum of development economics. While the first three essays are in the sphere of poverty measurement, the fourth essay is on the topic of trade and development. In recent years, the issue of international poverty measurement gained in...
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This dissertation includes three empirical essays on development economics and one on the economics of education. The first essay (co-authored by Stephan Klasen) is a contribution to the debate surrounding the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and the on-going debate about what international...
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Political misalignment and greater ideological distance between donor and recipient governments may render foreign aid less effective by adding to transaction costs and eroding trust. In addition, development aid from the West may lead to adverse growth effects in the global South due to the...
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The purpose of this dissertation is to address policy makers to change the way they think about increasing obesity rates. So far the discussion revolves around increasing incomes and imposing taxes on high fat food, despite their disputed effectiveness. Most of these studies seem to neglect the...
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Women’s empowerment has been identified as a prerequisite for poverty reduction. In addition to driving overall economic growth, women’s empowerment has been found to have beneficial effects on fertility rates, child health and education outcomes, as well as community development. This...
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Die drei Essays dieser Dissertation verbinden Themen der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung und des Klimawandels. Alle Essays erörtern die allgemeine Frage wie steigende Einkommen und Austauschbeziehungen in Umweltfragen verbunden werden können und konzentrieren sich dabei auf CO2 Emissionen als...
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