Showing 1 - 10 of 322
observation of transitional elections in Nigeria and Madagascar, will serve to illustrate this hypothesis and its consequences for …RÉSUMÉ "L' observation des élections au Nigeria et à Madagascar: partialité diplomatique versus biais technocratique … ». Cette dernier peut être au moins aussi nuisible à l'objectif déclaré de l'observation des élections que l'ancien. Deux …
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Although many political authorities endorse the basic goal of parity between men and women across the board, reality does not yet reflect this in Germany. In the German Bundestag, for example, at present 37.1 percent of representatives are women. Divided among the six parties with the greatest...
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Obwohl viele Verantwortliche in der Politik das grundsätzliche Ziel einer Parität zwischen Männern und Frauen auf allen Ebenen unterstützen, sieht die Realität in Deutschland anders aus. Im Bundestag sind aktuell 37,1 Prozent der Abgeordneten Frauen. Für die anstehende Bundestagswahl...
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We analyze the impact of elected competitors from the same constituency on legislative shirking in the German Bundestag from 1953 to 2017. The German electoral system ensures at least one federal legislator per constituency with a varying number of elected competitors between zero to four from...
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One of the Wehrmacht's main goals in the Caucasus were the oil fields. A special unit for the Caucasus operation was the "Technische Brigade Mineralöl" (Mineral Oil Technical Brigade). The large volume of surviving files from the TBM allows us to glean new insights into the German prisoner of...
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The Condorcet Jury Theorem states that given subjective expected utility maximization and common values, the equilibrium probability that the correct candidate wins goes to one as the size of the electorate goes to infinity. This paper studies strategic voting when voters have pure common values...
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This paper studies how electoral incentives influence the outcomes of political negotiations. It considers a game between two political parties that have to bargain over which policy to implement. While bargaining, the parties' popularity varies over time. Changes in popularity are partly...
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Die Europawahl 2019 hat in Deutschland markante regionale Unterschiede im Wahlverhalten aufgezeigt. Im Vergleich zur Bundestagswahl verzeichnen vor allem die Grünen starke Stimmengewinne in westdeutschen Kreisen, während die AfD ihren Erfolg in den ostdeutschen Kreisen konsolidieren kann....
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German voters in the 2019 European election showed remarkable regional differences in their voting behavior. The Green Party surged in West German districts, while the AfD further consolidated its successes in East Germany. Investigating structural differences at the district level reveals that...
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German voters in the 2019 European election showed remarkable regional differences in their voting behavior. The Green Party surged in West German districts, while the AfD further consolidated its successes in East Germany. Investigating structural differences at the district level reveals that...
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