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Following the concept of refiguration of spaces proposed by KNOBLAUCH and LÖW (2017), in this article I emphasize interfaces for theory building, methods, and comparative research from an economic geography and regional economics perspective. Since the refiguration of spaces offers an abstract...
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Die Bund-Länder-Gemeinschaftsaufgabe "Verbesserung der regionalen Wirtschaftsstruktur" (GRW) ist ein zentraler Baustein der regionalen Wirtschaftspolitik in Deutschland. Von 1991 bis 2008 wurden auf diesem Weg gewerbliche Investitionen von Unternehmen in strukturschwachen Regionen mit 26...
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This paper focuses on cluster facilitators and their efforts in facilitating the development of clusters. At present, the vast majority of literature presents a uniform image of cluster facilitators despite the fact that different types of clusters influence their role and purpose. Thus, the aim...
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В статье рассматривается международная кластерная политика стран Балтийского региона с целью выявления предпосылок зарождения международных кластеров....
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Die Wertschöpfung im verarbeitenden Gewerbe ist in den 15 größten Städten Deutschlands seit 2008 um 24 Prozent gestiegen - und damit stärker als im Bundesdurchschnitt (20 Prozent). Der vorliegende Bericht, der die industrielle Entwicklung in Großstädten unter anderem mit Blick auf...
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Green hydrogen has outgrown the testing stage: over the next few years, consortia across Europe will be investing large sums to build the supply chains of tomorrow. However, Europe as a whole will only be successful if it aligns the development of supply chains with the potentials of its regions...
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The emergence of new technologies and the expansion of digitalisation have created an opportunity for e-commerce to develop. A supplier and a buyer of goods and services meet in the e-environment and solve their problem without direct contact, which is mutually beneficial. Accordingly, when it...
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The following paper is a theoretical introduction of the misinformation effect to behavioural finance. The misinformation effect causes a memory report regarding an event or particular knowledge to become contaminated with misleading information from another source. The paper aims to describe...
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Each member of a group receives a signal about the unknown state of the world and decides upon a utility-maximizing recommendation on the basis of that signal. The individuals have identical preferences. The group makes a decision that maximizes the common utility function assuming perfect...
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This paper deals with the use of differential equations and finite difference methods for solving several problems in the field of Economics and Business Administration. Economics usually needs to study the evolution of the values which are taken by a given variable in different moments. If the...
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