Showing 11 - 20 of 129
The aim of this paper is to broaden the knowledge concerning the development of Finnish firms’ innovation activities. The results show that during 2008–2017 the share of overseas R&D has risen. Currently, 14–25% of Finnish firms’ total R&D are conducted overseas. If Nokia is taken into...
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Die vorliegende Studie widmet sich nicht-forschenden, mittelständischen Innovatoren. Diese meist kleinen Unternehmen sind vorrangig im Dienstleistungsbereich zu finden. Ziel war es zu ermitteln, welche alternativen Strategien nicht-forschende Innovatoren umsetzen, um Innovationen zu generieren...
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Mittelständische Unternehmen innovieren heute vermehrt unternehmensübergreifend. Die Studie zeigt Auslöser, Funktionsweisen und Herausforderungen dieser gemeinsamen Innovationsentwicklung. Den Startpunkt des Prozesses bilden dabei oftmals Ressourcenengpässe oder strategische Überlegungen....
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This report summarizes 39 detailed ETLA case studies of global value chains (GVCs). The findings suggest that the value added in global value chains is less tied to their tangible aspects than what conventional wisdom suggests. Intangible aspects of GVCs tend to be more important, but their poor...
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Das IfM Bonn untersucht anhand einer repräsentativen Trendstudie für den Zeitraum 2007 bis 2017, wie KMU dem demografischen Wandel begegnen. Demnach sind die KMU aktuell besser als 2007 über den demografischen Wandel informiert. Die Mehrheit der KMU hat ihre Absatzstrategie an die bereits...
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The extended period of limited growth experienced until recently in many European countries raises the issue as to which policies could be most effective in improving their economic performance. This paper argues that further financial sector reforms may be a valuable complement to ongoing...
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The EU candidate and potential candidate countries have made considerable progress in economic transition and integration into the world economy within less than two decades. Nevertheless, gaps in terms of income per capita relative to the euro area remain large. This suggests that the...
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Die aktuelle Lage der russischen Wirtschaft ist dramatisch. Um 3,7 Prozent ist die gesamtwirtschaftliche Leistung im Jahr 2015 eingebrochen. Eine Reihe von Faktoren haben zu der Abwärtsspirale beigetragen: darunter die Unsicherheit in Bezug auf die geopolitische Lage, die verhängten...
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The paper shows that the standing of theory in the field of mergers and acquisitions is weak for at least three reasons. Research is best described as a battlefield of ad hoc theory testing leaving behind a fragmented field. Research has focused traditionally on high intensity markets under the...
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This paper investigates the evolution and determinants of manufactured exports and FDI in MED-11 countries over the period 1985-2009 as well as the prospects of their evolution under different scenarios pertaining to the evolution of the determinants. The econometric analysis confirmed the role...
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