Showing 11 - 20 of 180
В статье рассмотрены аспекты управления денежными потоками промышленного предприятия на основе построения имитационных потоковых моделей движения денежных...
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Разработана концептуальная модель синтеза системы управления международной конкурентоспособностью предприятия с использованием методологии стратегического...
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В статье предложен конструктивный подход к анализу социальных сетей. Предложена концептуальная модель социальной сети, поставлены базовые задачи анализа и...
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Исследуется проблема оптимизации маршрутов автопарка на примере машин автопарка эко-компании. Описываются существующих методы решения данной проблемы, их...
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The aim of this study is to show that multidimensional modelling of existing data in organizations, depending on the topics of interest of managers and multidimensional view of data. It may also provide an effective informational support of managers in decision making, regardless of field of...
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Niniejszy tekst jest efektem prac badawczych maj¹cych na celu zebranie i uporz¹dkowanie pojêæ i metod zwi¹zanych z pocz¹tkowymi etapami przygotowania naukowego badania iloœciowego. Jednoczeœnie stanowi punkt wyjœcia do kolejnych zadañ badawczych, które obejm¹ zebranie i...
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Decision-making for the rehabilitation of water distribution networks in the traditional procedure is based on some simple indices such as the number of incidents while several mechanical, hydraulic and qualitative factors are involved in this process. Evidently, making decision on the...
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Model-supported real-time flood control requires the development of effective and efficient hydraulic models. As large numbers of iterations are to be executed in optimization procedures, the hydraulic model needs to be computationally efficient. At the same time, it is also required to generate...
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In South East Australia redheaded cockchafers Adoryphorous coulonii are a pasture pest with an increasing economic impact on the dairy industry. The industry is taking a strategic and systemic approach to identifying the research needs and management responses in recognition of the dynamic...
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With increasing pressure on farmers to improve the performance of their cropping systems, there is a growing need to design cropping systems that respond concurrently to environmental, agronomic and socioeconomic constraints. However, the trade-offs between ecosystem services, including...
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