272 S.
Routledge frontiers of political economy. - London : Routledge, ISSN 1359-7914, ZDB-ID 1388677-0. - Vol. 160
Type of publication: Book / Working Paper
Type of publication (narrower categories): Bibliografie
Language: English
Introduction -- Markets and organizations : individualism and economic theory -- Expectations and economic theory : the boundaries of rationality -- Corporate finance and the theory of the firm -- Peter Drucker and the rise of management theory -- Spoils of war -- An institutional view on democracy and prosperity -- Organizations and innovation.
ISBN: 978-0-415-69977-8 ; 0-415-69977-0 ; 978-0-203-10525-2
Classification: Unternehmensführung ; Philosophie und Theorie der Volkswirtschaft
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