Showing 1 - 10 of 244
La mondialisation et la globalisation des marchés semblent compromettre la pérennité de la plupart des PME dont la situation stratégique est, d’ordinaire, fragile. Dans ce contexte, elles disposent, pourrait-on dire, d’une ultime alternative: l’innovation globale. Il en résulte sa...
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China and India are emerging as major new entrants in the international software industry. Both are rapidly learning through outsourcing with multinational enterprises from advanced nations. Yet, their paths to this dynamic sector are very different. Chinese software firms have focused on their...
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National framework conditions mediate the effect of technological capabilities of firms on their productivity. Although this has been recognized in the literature for a long time, a quantitative test that explicitly considers this hypothesis has been lacking. Using a World Bank datasets of about...
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Recent interdisciplinary research suggests that customer and technological competencies have a direct, unconditional effect on firms' innovative performance. This study extends this stream of literature by considering the effect of organizational competencies. Results from a survey-research...
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L’innovation tient actuellement un rôle important dans le développement et la pérennité des entreprises, c’est pourquoi étudier la place de l’innovation dans les actions qu’entreprend Intel parait intéressant au regard de l’importance des moyens que donne cette entreprise pour la...
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In this paper we analyse the role of sectoral innovation systems in the emergence and catch-up of aerospace industries in latecomer economies. We argue that the aerospace sector is characterized by a process of interrupted innovation. Competitive pressures and the cyclical nature of the industry...
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Les alliances de marques ont été essentiellement étudiées selon une approche cognitive. Le développement des travaux sur la relation consommateur-marque et notamment ceux sur l’identification à la marque permet d’apporter à cette pratique une approche relationnelle. La question posée...
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The product lifecycle model can be understood as a three-stage model of technological development associated with a particular product technology. In the explorative stage many different designs are developed, in the development stage products become standardized into a dominant design, and in...
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This paper studies the impact of the R&D offshoring of multinational enterprises on the firms in host emerging economies. We develop a two-stage non-cooperative game to analyze the strategic interaction between multinational and host country enterprises engaged in R&D investment. An empirical...
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Quelles sont les conséquences de l’application des technologies de l’information et de la communication sur l’organisation et les individus ? Comment peut-on caractériser, voire vulgariser les nouveaux agencements des entreprises, suite à cette rupture technologique ? Quelles sont les...
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