Showing 1 - 10 of 21
MOL Plc as a national champion does not simply take part in the implementation of the state's decisions but the company's cooperation is needed in realizing the economic, political and social considerations of the authorities. Therefore the company is provided with special preferential...
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MOL Plc as a national champion does not simply take part in the implementation of the state's decisions but the company's cooperation is needed in realizing the economic, political and social considerations of the authorities. Therefore the company is provided with special preferential...
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Indonesian Abstract:Buku ini mengulas tentang peran pentingmanajemen strategi dalam kaitannya dengan pengelolaanperusahaan menghadapi lingkungan bisnis yang dinamis.Manajemen strategi identik dengan tindakan-tindakan yangdilakukan dalam upaya pencapaian tujuan jangka panjangperusahaan. Cara...
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The Hungarian oil company (MOL) and the national electricity holding (MVM) counted as the largest socialist enterprises already 30 years ago. Prior to 1990, they were roughly of the same size in respect of sales and employment, as well. Since the regime change, however, their development paths...
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The Hungarian oil company (MOL) and the national electricity holding (MVM) counted as the largest socialist enterprises already 30 years ago. Prior to 1990, they were roughly of the same size in respect of sales and employment, as well. Since the regime change, however, their development paths...
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Indonesian Abstract: Artikel ini membahas konsep teoritis mengenai Realistic Job Preview (RJP) sebagai salah satu strategi SDM yang bertujuan menyediakan informasi realistis guna mempertemukan antara ekspektasi calon pegawai dengan kenyataan di tempat kerja. Kemudian, artikel ini juga...
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Indonesian Abstract:Penelitian ini berupaya untuk merumuskan paradigm dan model pertumbuhan ekonomi yang lebih sesuai dengan memanfaatkan berbagai potensi perekonomian Indonesia, khususnya sumber daya manusia. Dalam penelitian ini, diuji pula relevansi model pertumbuhan semi-endogen dalam...
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The financing of innovation impacts on economic growth. What’s, among bank-based or market-based system, the best organizational form? The paper supports the view that both forms have to be merged into a unique approach (law and finance view) embracing not only the overall quality of the...
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Venture capital and private equity financing has become an important mechanism for the development and radical transformation of companies worldwide in recent decades. Nevertheless, the venture capital and private equity sector covers only a relatively small proportion of economic activity...
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