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The article is focused on the evaluation of strategic methods usage in the process of strategy creation and deployment of the Balanced Scorecard system. It is based on the results of the research conducted in Slovakia focused on the implementation of the BSC system. The key element in the...
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Indonesian Abstract:Buku ini mengulas tentang peran pentingmanajemen strategi dalam kaitannya dengan pengelolaanperusahaan menghadapi lingkungan bisnis yang dinamis.Manajemen strategi identik dengan tindakan-tindakan yangdilakukan dalam upaya pencapaian tujuan jangka panjangperusahaan. Cara...
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The article describes Doyle's behavioral model of a firm and demonstrates on the example of an international retail organization its possible application. The article analyses firm's division of competences, values and vision of the organization and the steering wheel consisting of operational...
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Indonesian Abstract: Artikel ini membahas konsep teoritis mengenai Realistic Job Preview (RJP) sebagai salah satu strategi SDM yang bertujuan menyediakan informasi realistis guna mempertemukan antara ekspektasi calon pegawai dengan kenyataan di tempat kerja. Kemudian, artikel ini juga...
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Indonesian Abstract:Penelitian ini berupaya untuk merumuskan paradigm dan model pertumbuhan ekonomi yang lebih sesuai dengan memanfaatkan berbagai potensi perekonomian Indonesia, khususnya sumber daya manusia. Dalam penelitian ini, diuji pula relevansi model pertumbuhan semi-endogen dalam...
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Global corporations and companies with international portfolios increasingly concentrate their activities not only on the international expansion of their products or services and global diversifi cation of their capital portfolios, but also on an effective integration in the global value chain...
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Slovakia ranked to the poorest innovation performers in the EU 25 area in early 2000s. While the country's economics was booming due to high influx of foreign investment, there was real danger that Slovakia would convert to the "greatest assembly line" in Europe, with little own innovation...
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Indonesian Abstract: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh personal knowledge, job procedure dan technology dalam konteks knowledge management terhadap Performance (Kinerja Pegawai) di lingkungan organisasi publik, secara khusus pada lingkungan Badan Pendidikan dan Pelatihan...
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