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listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange.The design of the study is a comparison of two research design average of the two …
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The performance of banks is important because it is a reflection of the ability of banks to manage aspects of its capital and assets in the profits and the extent to which the ability of capital a bank is able to absorb the credit risk of failure that may occur, as well as the implications of...
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Indonesian Abstract:Buku ini mengulas tentang peran pentingmanajemen strategi dalam kaitannya dengan pengelolaanperusahaan menghadapi lingkungan bisnis yang dinamis.Manajemen strategi identik dengan tindakan-tindakan yangdilakukan dalam upaya pencapaian tujuan jangka panjangperusahaan. Cara...
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Indonesian Abstract: Artikel ini membahas konsep teoritis mengenai Realistic Job Preview (RJP) sebagai salah satu strategi SDM yang bertujuan menyediakan informasi realistis guna mempertemukan antara ekspektasi calon pegawai dengan kenyataan di tempat kerja. Kemudian, artikel ini juga...
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Indonesian Abstract:Penelitian ini berupaya untuk merumuskan paradigm dan model pertumbuhan ekonomi yang lebih sesuai dengan memanfaatkan berbagai potensi perekonomian Indonesia, khususnya sumber daya manusia. Dalam penelitian ini, diuji pula relevansi model pertumbuhan semi-endogen dalam...
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The title of this research is The impact of Government Expenditure and Economic Crisis on Economic Growth in North Sumatra Province, this research main purpose is to analize the impact of government’s routine expenditure, government’s development expenditure of agriculture, industry, and...
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This study aims to analyze the effect of economic growth, investment, the Provincial Minimum Wage and economic crisis on employment in North Sumatera.This study focused on the problem of employment opportunities in the province of North Sumatra during the period of 1980 to 2007. With the...
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