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O artigo analisa a noção de capital fictício em Marx a partir das idéias de autonomia dos valores relativamente aos preços e de autonomia da circulação relativamente à produção. Explora, nesta análise, o debate sobre a forma valor entre marxistas, e a noção de capital financeiro,...
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Artykul poswiecony zostal mozliwosciom oceny efektywnosci uslug bankowych na podstawie analizy ich marz odsetkowych, a jego celem bylo ukazanie nosnosci informacyjnej tych miar. W pierwszej czesci artykulu omowione zostaly kwestie teoretyczne zwiazane z wyznaczaniem roznych rodzajow marz...
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Celem artykulu jest ocena nastrojow inwestorow indywidualnych, instytucjonalnych i zagranicznych na podstawie dynamiki zmian ich udzialow w rynku w latach 2003-2009. Przeprowadzenie badan empirycznych bedzie mialo na celu zbadanie wplywu struktury inwestorow na WIG20. Nastepnym krokiem bedzie...
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We analyze the effect of two 2012's regulatory measures in the Brazilian telecommunications and electricity markets. The first intervention was undertaken by the telecommunications regulatory agency (Anatel) in 18th of July and refers to the interruption of the sales of important...
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In 2011, the Brazilian government granted an income tax benefit to corporate bonds issued with the specific purpose of financing long-term infrastructure investments (Law 12.431/2011). The financial bonds favored by this policy have become known as "incentivized bonds". This paper describes the...
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Muitos trabalhos recentes têm-se debruçado sobre a presença de dinâmicas de memória longa nos preços das acções devido às implicações controversas de tal constatação para a eficiência do mercado e, portanto, para os modelos martingale dos preços dos activos utilizados na economia...
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Research background: Sektor, w ktorym funkcjonuje podmiot gospodarczy, nalezy do istotnych czynnikow majacych wplyw na jego strukture kapitalu. Przedmiot dzialalnosci przedsiebiorstwa oddzialywuje nie tylko na proporcje kapitalow wlasnych i obcych w jego finansowaniu, ale wplywa rowniez znaczaco...
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We analyze the effect of two 2012's regulatory measures in the Brazilian telecommunications and electricity markets. The first intervention was undertaken by the telecommunications regulatory agency (Anatel) in 18th of July and refers to the interruption of the sales of important...
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In 2011, the Brazilian government granted an income tax benefit to corporate bonds issued with the specific purpose of financing long-term infrastructure investments (Law 12.431/2011). The financial bonds favored by this policy have become known as "incentivized bonds". This paper describes the...
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