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The majority of published research to date focuses on HRM in large organisation.
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English Abstract The groups of companies are an economic reality without regulation of a general nature, with only specific regulations in certain areas. Working relationships within groups of companies have certain peculiarities. In court practice, there were identified situations in which an...
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The goal of this article is the importance of the performance and the performance evaluation in any company …. Performance can be viewed as being in close relationship with the effort made by the employee, his ability, charging station or … place and role within the organization. Performance refers to the contribution that employees make to the goals of the …
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A person’s credibility within an organization, for a leader especially, can’t be separated by his professional competence. This is more important if we pay attention to his position within the hierarchy, what means that he can influence to a large extent the use of existing resources, with...
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Know-how, managerial ability ,and appropriate marketing strategy are basic requests of success for the industrial companies. This way, firm resources can be optimally valorized providing a reasonable profit, doubled by the long life of the organization. We shall analyze the way managerial...
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Providers<strong> </strong>of energy and energy-intensive products all over the world will face at least a decade of uncertainty, generated by the unprecedented mutations taking place in the global economy.
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Romanian Abstract: Conform datelor publicate de Institutul Internaţional de Studii privind Cupru (I.C.S.C.), producţia mondială de cuprului s-a majorat în anul 2016 cu 2,33%, iar consumul mondial a crescut cu 1,85%. Potrivit acelorași analiştilor din cadrul I.C.S.C., balanţa mondială...
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Romanian Abstract: Piaţa materiilor prime a continuat, pentru al patrulea an consecutiv, în anul2015, să înregistreze o tendinţă generală de declin al preţurilor, mai accentuată la ţiţei, darşi la metale şi materii prime agricole.Factorii care au determinat continuarea declinului...
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Romanian Abstract: Articolul prezintă evoluţia pieţei mondiale a făinurilor proteice în 2010/11 şi perspective pentru sezonul următor. Sunt analizate producţia, consumul, comerţul şi stocurile, pe principalele tipuri de făinuri, la nivel mondial şi pe principalele ţări. Preţurile...
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Romanian Abstract: Articolul prezintă evoluţia pieţei mondiale a uleiurilor vegetale comestibile şi a seminţelor oleaginoase în 2010 şi perspective pentru 2011. Sunt analizate producţia, consumul, comerţul şi stocurile, pe principalele tipuri de uleiuri şi seminţe, la nivel mondial...
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