Showing 1 - 10 of 31
The paper deals with yield curve construction methods using coupon bonds in Czech bond market. Generally, there are more possibilities how to approach this problem: bootstraping, splines, parametric functions. Due to the lack of tradable public bonds and due to the fact that existing bonds do...
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Building upon exhaustive research of extant and often fragmentary contemporary resources, this paper provides a thorough analysis of financial options trading and sales in interwar Czechoslovakia. Whilst focusing primarily on a remarkable bucketshop episode occuring in the late twenties and...
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The article discusses problems of the empirical verification of the relative version of the theory of purchasing power parity based on aggregated price indexes (especially using the consumer price index). The goal of the articles is to compare empirical results obtained from cross-country time...
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Artykul poswiecony zostal mozliwosciom oceny efektywnosci uslug bankowych na podstawie analizy ich marz odsetkowych, a jego celem bylo ukazanie nosnosci informacyjnej tych miar. W pierwszej czesci artykulu omowione zostaly kwestie teoretyczne zwiazane z wyznaczaniem roznych rodzajow marz...
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Celem artykulu jest ocena nastrojow inwestorow indywidualnych, instytucjonalnych i zagranicznych na podstawie dynamiki zmian ich udzialow w rynku w latach 2003-2009. Przeprowadzenie badan empirycznych bedzie mialo na celu zbadanie wplywu struktury inwestorow na WIG20. Nastepnym krokiem bedzie...
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Long-term memory processes have been extensively examined in recent literature as they provide simple way to test for predictabilty in the underlying process. However, most of the literature interprets the results of estimated Hurst exponent simply by its comparison to its asymptotic limit of...
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The article provides a basic description and taxonomy of sovereign wealth funds, rapidly gaining importance in the international monetary and financial systems. SFWs are pools of assets owned and managed directly or indirectly by governments to achieve specific objectives. Tentative estimates of...
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The paper presents a dynamic approach to the theory of uncovered interest rate parity. It is examined the dynamic relation between the actual change in spot exchange rate and interest rate differential. Authors show the hypothesis of uncovered interest rate parity is based on an ex ante view and...
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Research background: Sektor, w ktorym funkcjonuje podmiot gospodarczy, nalezy do istotnych czynnikow majacych wplyw na jego strukture kapitalu. Przedmiot dzialalnosci przedsiebiorstwa oddzialywuje nie tylko na proporcje kapitalow wlasnych i obcych w jego finansowaniu, ale wplywa rowniez znaczaco...
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Polish Abstract: Cel – Celem artykułu jest analiza różnic ogonów stóp zwrotu indeksów wybranych europejskich giełd.Metodologia badania – W artykule zastosowano dwie metody: opartą na kurtozie oraz wykorzystującą parametry uogólnionego rozkładu Pareto. Drugie podejście bazuje na...
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