Showing 1 - 10 of 39
MOL Plc as a national champion does not simply take part in the implementation of the state's decisions but the company's cooperation is needed in realizing the economic, political and social considerations of the authorities. Therefore the company is provided with special preferential...
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MOL Plc as a national champion does not simply take part in the implementation of the state's decisions but the company's cooperation is needed in realizing the economic, political and social considerations of the authorities. Therefore the company is provided with special preferential...
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The new Labor Code passed by the Parliament in 2012 has been the most important change of the regulation of labor relations in Hungary since 1992. This report summarizes the main results of a field work research which was managed by the Institute of Economics HAS and financed by the LIGA Trade...
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Using firm-level and individual panel data from 2008-2009, the paper looks at how Hungarian firms combined employment reduction with "softer" measures like short-work and wage cuts, in response to the crisis. The data suggest that the wage distribution remained practically unchanged while hours...
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Using firm-level and individual panel data from 2008-2009, the paper looks at how Hungarian firms combined employment reduction with "softer" measures like short-work and wage cuts, in response to the crisis. The data suggest that the wage distribution remained practically unchanged while hours...
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The new Labor Code passed by the Parliament in 2012 has been the most important change of the regulation of labor relations in Hungary since 1992. This report summarizes the main results of a field work research which was managed by the Institute of Economics HAS and financed by the LIGA Trade...
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Teknoparklar universitedeki teknoloji ve bilim altyapisini sanayi ile bulusturan inovasyon sisteminin onemli yapilaridir. Literaturde teknoparklarin yapilarini, rolleri ve performanslarini inceleyen cok sayida calismalar mevcutken, ulkemizdeki teknoparklar uzerine calismalar sinirli sayida...
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Turkish Abstract:Gelişmiş ve gelişmekte olan ülkelerde gelişen teknoloji ve kabiliyetler sonucunda ortaya çıkan patentlerin çevresel dengeye katkısı olmaktadır. Çevresel inovasyonlar ülkelerin temel sorunu olan ve yaşadığımız dünyaya en fazla zarar veren karbondioksit...
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Arastirmada, yonetici ve calisma arkadaslarindan algilanan sosyal destegin, sosyal calismacilarin tukenmislik duzeyleri üzerindeki etkisinin incelenmesi amaçlanmýþtýr. Bu baglamda araþtýrma, Sosyal Hizmet Uzmanlari Dernegine uye 152 sosyal çalýþmacý uzerinde yurutulmustur. Arastirmada...
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Bu calisma ile universite ogrencilerinin mezun olduktan sonra calisacaklari isverenleri secim kararlarinda rol oynayan faktorler ve soz konusu faktorlerin etki dereceleri belirlenmeye calisilmistir. Iki asamada gerceklestirilen arastirmanin ilk asamasinda ogrencilerden mezun olduktan sonra...
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