Showing 1 - 10 of 26
The privatization strategy in many transition economies involved the creation of a special government agency that administered state property during privatization programs as well as after the privatization was declared complete. The National Property Fund (FNM) was the agency in the Czech...
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The aim of this paper is to analyze and systematic theoretical findings which are based on Porter´s Generic Chain of Values in regards to the area of supporting activities. Supporting activities were long time at the margin of interest, both social and economic. Today, they represent important...
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Serbian Abstract: Ефикасност и ефективност управљања у lean пословном окружењу је непосредно одређено начином мерења перформанси, односно дизајном система мерења...
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Serbian Abstract: Мерење пословних перформанси игра посебну улогу у побољшању квалитета одлучивања и расту укупне пословне ефикасности. Мерењем се обезбеђују...
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Serbian Abstract: Постизање високог степена пословне успешности грађевинских компанија представља изазов савременог менаџмента који подразумева висок ниво...
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The paper deals with quality management in the sector of Tourist Information Centres (TIC) in the Czech Republic and the development of the quality management systems in the sector as part of the national quality management system in tourism. Since the TICs perform a prominent role in...
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Entrepreneurs have been exposed to continually increasing competitive pressures. Hence, a process of continuous improvement is to be an inherent part of firm management. In case this process shall be implemented on a broad basis with the aim to maintain and increase firm competitiveness, then...
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Serbian Abstract: Značaj upravljanja rizicima preduzeća se tokom protekle dve decenije dramatično promenio, pretežno zbog pojave novih rizika, brojnih finansijskih skandala i napretka tehnologije. Predmet posebne pažnje su, pored finansijskih, postali operativni i strategijski rizici, dok...
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This paper provides a comprehensive assessment of issues related to the restructuring of large industrial enterprises in Central and Eastern Europe. The experience with industrial restructuring in the region to date suggests that policies aimed at promoting restructuring should focus on: (i)...
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Serbian Abstract: Глобална предузећа су снажно притиснута потребом да истовремено и подједнако ефикасно управљају глобално, будући да цео свет за њих представља...
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