Showing 1 - 10 of 25
MOL Plc as a national champion does not simply take part in the implementation of the state's decisions but the company's cooperation is needed in realizing the economic, political and social considerations of the authorities. Therefore the company is provided with special preferential...
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MOL Plc as a national champion does not simply take part in the implementation of the state's decisions but the company's cooperation is needed in realizing the economic, political and social considerations of the authorities. Therefore the company is provided with special preferential...
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Serbian Abstract: Ефикасност и ефективност управљања у lean пословном окружењу је непосредно одређено начином мерења перформанси, односно дизајном система мерења...
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Serbian Abstract: Мерење пословних перформанси игра посебну улогу у побољшању квалитета одлучивања и расту укупне пословне ефикасности. Мерењем се обезбеђују...
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Serbian Abstract: Постизање високог степена пословне успешности грађевинских компанија представља изазов савременог менаџмента који подразумева висок ниво...
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Serbian Abstract: Značaj upravljanja rizicima preduzeća se tokom protekle dve decenije dramatično promenio, pretežno zbog pojave novih rizika, brojnih finansijskih skandala i napretka tehnologije. Predmet posebne pažnje su, pored finansijskih, postali operativni i strategijski rizici, dok...
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Serbian Abstract: Глобална предузећа су снажно притиснута потребом да истовремено и подједнако ефикасно управљају глобално, будући да цео свет за њих представља...
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The Hungarian oil company (MOL) and the national electricity holding (MVM) counted as the largest socialist enterprises already 30 years ago. Prior to 1990, they were roughly of the same size in respect of sales and employment, as well. Since the regime change, however, their development paths...
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The Hungarian oil company (MOL) and the national electricity holding (MVM) counted as the largest socialist enterprises already 30 years ago. Prior to 1990, they were roughly of the same size in respect of sales and employment, as well. Since the regime change, however, their development paths...
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English Abstract: As wages are the primary means of income for the majority of people in every country in the world, understanding the reasons for differences in wages is important for human welfare. One potential source of differences in wages between countries is differences in the degree of...
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